Who We Are:
Our Student Ministry is here to honor and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ! We pray and work together to be a fun and encouraging place for students to connect with the body of Christ, know Jesus personally, and grow together into disciples who make disciples! We strive to come along side parents and families to help equip students in the Lord! We offer small group bible studies and opportunities to worship and serve together so that we can all keep growing as students, adults and families and together reach the lost for Christ!
Life Groups walk through The Gospel Project 3 year chronological bible study; starting through the gospels. We dig deeper into fellowship and are led by our student praise team “the refugees” in worship together.
Additional activities throughout the year include: summer camp retreats, mission trip, other retreats, conferences, outreach events and service projects.
Life Groups | Sunday - 9:15am
Youth Group | Wednesday - 6:30pm
Upcoming Youth Events
Meet The Team:

Travis Muse
Student Pastor