Jesus Loves Me Preschool


Registration for 2025-2026 school year will open to current families February 10th and new families February 19th.

Call or email to schedule a tour.

You are still able to enroll online for our current 2024-2025 school year.


Jesus Loves Me School is a ministry of Richland Baptist Church. Our school provides a Christ-centered, loving, and nurturing environment where your child can learn and grow. Our program combines learning with play to jump start their academic journey. We work to enhance our student’s confidence by providing fun and useful activities to help them become lifelong learners. We prioritize a focus on spiritual growth as well as intellectual development. A Biblical worldview is integrated into each of our classes to create a strong faith foundation.


2024-25 Available openings

2’s | M/WWaitlist
2’s | T/THWaitlist
2.5 – 3’s | 4 DayWaitlist
3’s  | 4 DayWaitlist
3/4’s | 3 DayWaitlist

More Information

Program Options

2024-2025 School Year

Must be appropriate age by Sep. 01, 2024. Students are considered eligible for our 2.5/3 year old class only if they will be 3 years old by Apr. 01, 2025.

All students in 3 years and older must be fully potty trained, able to communicate his/her bathroom needs, and be independent in the bathroom by the start of the school year.


2 Year Old | M/W (2 Day) or T/TH (2 Day)

2.5/3 Year Old | M-TH (4 Day)

3 Year Old | M-TH (4 Day)

3/4 Year Old | T-TH (3 Day)

4/5 Year Old Pre-K | M-TH ( 4 Day)


Preschool classes: 9:00am – 12:00pm

Enrollment & Fees

2024-2025 School Year

Program Fees:

2 Day Program | $195/month | M/W or T/TH

3 Day Program | $255/month | T-TH

4 Day Program | $295/month | M-TH


Registration & Materials Fee: (Non-refundable)

Current Students  | $130

New Students        | $150



A registration and materials fee is to be paid at the time of enrollment. This fee covers your child’s school bag, shirt, curriculum, and craft supplies. Teachers may ask for additional supplies specific to your class at the beginning of the year.


Other Fees: 

Late Fee                       | $25

Returned Check Fee  | $25

Credit Card Fee          | 3%


Tuition is due the 1st of each month and will be considered late after the 10th. A $25 late fee will be assessed with any payments made after the 10th of each month, unless prior arrangements have been made. When paying by credit card a 3% fee is applied if you do not cover the transaction fee online. You may also pay by check, cash, or by setting up online bill pay through your bank. Checks should be made out to Richland Baptist Church with JLMP and your child’s full name written in the memo. Payments can be brought to the JLM director’s office or placed into the tuition drop box.


Discounts: (Discounts cannot be combined)

Siblings                  | 10%

RBC Members      | 10%

Year Paid In Full  | 5%


  • Lack of adherence to our tuition policies may result in the dismissal of your child(ren) from the program.
  • Online payments can be paid at
  • No tuition credit is given for holidays or absences due to illness, vacation, or inclement weather. Tuition is divided into nine equal payments to be paid September-May.

Our Team

Storm Hughes | Director
Storm Hughes | Director
Misha Sitter 2's Lead
Misha Sitter 2's Lead
Justine Olson 2's TA
Justine Olson 2's TA
Tammy Dean 2.5/3's Lead
Tammy Dean 2.5/3's Lead
Diana Jones 2.5/3's TA
Diana Jones 2.5/3's TA
Hannah Summers 3's Lead
Hannah Summers 3's Lead
Courtney Dressler 3's TA
Courtney Dressler 3's TA
Cassidy Nalle 3/4's Lead
Cassidy Nalle 3/4's Lead
Ellie Rosser 3/4's TA
Ellie Rosser 3/4's TA
Malaina Giger Pre-K Lead
Malaina Giger Pre-K Lead
Alex Collins Pre-K TA
Alex Collins Pre-K TA
Debbie Kison Pre-K Lead
Debbie Kison Pre-K Lead
Danielle Nalle Pre-K TA
Danielle Nalle Pre-K TA
Direct Contact
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