Women's Groups
Starting in September of this year, the Women's Ministry will offer many activities for Christian women to grow spiritually in Christ, fellowship with other women believers, and serve in the body of Christ. Bible studies will include exploring both the Old and New Testament to help us know God more fully and thus serve and glorify Him. Let us continue to look to the future of RBC with hope and joyous expectation of God moving in mighty ways! Check below to see how you might join God in His plans!
Barbara Marsh - Women's Ministry Coordinator

Philippians: Rejoice in the Lord
“While being thrown in prison may be cause for despair, for the apostle Paul it was a cause for joy. Why? Because through it all the Philippians had walked in partnership with him. Rather than feel abandoned, Paul felt supported. Rather than feel useless, Paul redeemed the opportunity. Through their financial gift, the Philippians participated in Paul’s ministry and shared in his imprisonment. And for that, Paul and the Philippians had reason to rejoice. As we study Philippians, we too will learn of the joy of partnership for the sake of the gospel, anchor our joy in Christ instead of passing pleasures of the day, rejoice in the Lord in every circumstance,
learn to treasure Christ above all else, as well as other key benefits of this study!” Author, Juan Sanchez
8 Sessions, 1/9/25- 2/27/25
Book cost – $16.00

Body of Proof
“The single most important fact of the Christian faith is that Jesus isn’t dead. He was resurrected on a Sunday morning two thousand years ago. That one weekend included His execution, an earthquake, daytime darkness, an uprising, and a miracle unlike any the world had ever seen.
Those events and the days that followed changed everything about the world and form the center of our faith. Yet outside of a few days each year, we don’t spend a lot of time contemplating the resurrection itself. We’ll look back on that incredible weekend and see why the resurrection of Jesus gives us hope and confidence today.” Author, Jeremiah Johnston
4 Sessions, 3/6/25 – 3/27
Book Cost – $15.00

The Names of God
“In a world where we find people creating God in their own image, studying God’s names can remind us that we are created in His. In fact, one of the best ways to know God’s true character and grow closer to Him is to study His names. Whether having walked with God for many years or just starting out in a relationship with Him, by the end of this study, we will not only know more about God but will know Him better―because through the discovery of God’s names, we will discover Him!”
Author, Melissa Spoelstra
6 Sessions, 4/17/25 – 5/22/25
Book Cost – $10.00
Men's Groups
Men’s Ministry helps and equips Christian men to discover their purpose and potential in Christ. Our men regularly assist in work projects both in the Tri-Cities area and out of town, have an annual retreat, participate in recreational activities, and have a monthly breakfast with a focused Bible study.

Friday Men's Bible Study
Every Friday at 5:45 a.m.
Contact David Serell for more information.

Tuesday Bible Study
Every Tuesday at 6:40 p.m.
Contact Jim Jarret for more information.

Men's Breakfast
Every third Saturday of the month at 8:00 a.m.
In the fellowship hall.